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Challenges & Opportunities


Like any sizable institution, Grace faces its share of challenges and opportunities.


Replacing our inspirational founding Rector after 21 years is seen as such for the entire parish. During Bill Harper’s time with us, Grace has grown from small beginnings to a large congregation. His creative approach to liturgy, his preaching, and his ability to lead and inspire youth attract new members, especially young families. Our youth programs are among the most vibrant in the Diocese. Maintaining our focus, energy and spirit under new leadership is of concern to all.


We acknowledge financial concerns. Will we be able to respond to the compensation needs of our dedicated staff? Will we have adequate funding to guarantee the ongoing employment of an Associate? Our shift from one to two paid clergy was years in the making. Since 2010 a Diocesan subsidy has allowed us to employ an Associate at eighty percent time. We cannot expect this subsidy to continue indefinitely.


Many of our programs and committees are led by volunteers. We need and want to sustain these valuable groups with lively participation, training, supervision, and inspired leadership.


The original master plan for Grace included a small chapel. A design was completed, and members donated funds toward it in the second capital campaign. When hard times hit the economy in 2008, these plans were set aside, with funding only partially raised. The congregation and new rector will face decisions on how best to proceed.



Our potential for growth remains an ongoing question, one that impacts financial projections as well as strategic planning regarding the need for additional services in the future. While Bainbridge is considered a highly desirable place to live, the Island experienced almost no population increase during the recent economic slump. Yet, at Grace there are times when the sanctuary is filled to capacity, even overflowing. We are also aware that there is a real desire among many to retain the personal connections that come from being part of a small community.


In the face of concerns, we turn to one of our founding values: “We embrace the challenge of inevitable change, trusting and remaining open to God’s future for us.”


Grace Episcopal Church | Bainbridge Island, WA


For Further Information please contact Joan Anthony,

 Canon to the Ordinary, Diocese of Olympia  


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